Sunday 16 November 2008

Reservation:The other side of the coin

india ...our beloved motherland ..the country of diversity,integrity,social justice...and a place where every body has got equal rights.but alas ! these things are always repeatedly said...but never real, in we realise why we ever required this system of reservation in free india?and why this system was exclusively based on caste,and not any other relevant parameter?is the condition the same after 50 years...or we really require some change?considering the reports at that time the dalits could directly be substituted with highly backward,poor,illiterate and suffering.Mandal -1 commission was implemented 16 years back.condition still is almost the same if we could realise it.a very lopsided growth of our society.we talk of merit and quality......and not social we really compromisewith merit/quality?that shows our mentality ,our blind belives that some castes/communities are indeed fit for menial jobs and don't have the compete with so called "Sawarna"(upper class). we belive in the darwinian philosophy......survival for the its never equal.......then what was wrong with britishers ruling ...the black,backward(comparetively) and illiterate indians?they were far more superior to us ,more fit to fight and survive.....what was wrong if they were ruling us?we don't require any reservation/Mandal if we can give answers to a few we really belive in "equality" and behave and think accordingly?Are not we ashamed of sharing a seat with a begger in a local bus?how could a begger be given the same rights as our Prime minister?can we tolerate one indigent sitting in a local train and we standing,waiting for the seat to get vaccant.never! don't we feel annoyed .we find /consider ourselves more superior in some way or other. so its truth that here we are still animals and we are required to fight for our survival.......and we should kill all our make our survival more easy.A very Jungle raaj.....where only fittest could live.we want to make our country a developed nation within 20 years,with 36% obc, 23% sc, 9%st (statistics not standard)......under educated,under developed....suffering.about 35%(350 million) are below the poverty line, 75 per cent of them in the rural areas.why should we consider them?because they are indians ......or humans like us....why not our competitors,.....who will share our everything...bread,clothes and why not kill them or let them die their own.......let them be that they couldnot stand to give us a challange. why should we suffer on behalf of development of india.with more than 75% of india in this poor condition we want to develop our nation. we want to say with pride that we belong to india.......where cast system is prevelent for last 2000 years .is not it glorifying?....and after 2000 years of social struggle and social education to eradicate this outdated and most irrelevant social institution ,this utter shameful social stigma.....we still feel proud being called as a Brahmin,or Rajput? Mahatma gandhi gave a new name "Harijans"to the so called untouchables. going with the literal meaning of "Harijan",can we call a brahmin with the same name?no,we cannot......the meaning of harijan is still substituted with untouchables .this is the power of the stigma .do we feel anything wrong in it?if we...then we don't require anyshort of reservation......if not then we don't have the right to go against,demonstrating...and making the whole system defunct and we feel helping the poors and suffering in our neighbour,and do we take real actions to help them.....if we then we don't need this reservation.if not then yes, why not?a second missing aspect of all the discussions is pervasive lack of attention to what reservation has achieved in has indeed created awareness amongst the backward classes and will produce some acts of balancing.even though this system will benefit many classes in many ways, a great deal of caution is to be exercised in ensuring that the policy strenthens only those who really require it. i.e we are require to take in account ,every aspect of it......this may be a ripe time for reconsideration of the exclusively caste based criteria.

1 comment:

Sumit Kumar said...

i still have to read it properly... but i liked calling a brahmin, harijan... ha ha ha